Monday, March 21, 2016

Starting from the ground up

This week was a pretty hard week. We had a lot of fechas fall (for baptism) and we didn't teach very many lessons. The problem is that when I came to the area it wasn't doing very well, so we are starting from the ground up. It'll take at least a couple weeks before we start baptizing.

We have a couple neighborhoods in our area where we don't have anything going on. No investigators, no nothing. This week we spent 3 days in this part of the area looking for people to teach. But we kind of just ended up wasting our time though. It's an awful feeling coming home dead tired from walking in the sun all day, and talking to everyone, and having nothing to show for it. We had three of those days this week. Which, needless to say, is pretty discouraging. Elder Hernandez and I did a lot of thinking and praying this week, trying to figure out how to work smarter.

This week the mission has been telling us to start doing family home evenings with the members inviting friends. It really seemed like an answer to prayers. The Lord humbled us this week, so that we'll accept the counsel of our leaders. It's pretty cool actually. We were probably as low as we could get, praying for anything that could help us. When we realized maybe we should put in practice what we learned from the last zone conference last week.

Anyway... we are now looking for family home evening ideas. If you could send us all the ideas that you have for family home evening games, that would be much appreciated! Right now I've got Balloon Volleyball and Don't eat pete.I read the article the Dara wrote about Integrity. That was really awesome! Thanks for sending that!

I love you!
-Elder Goodman

Me and my comp Elder Hernandez

Cool view of the volcano

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