Monday, December 19, 2016

Zone Conference

This was a pretty good week! Pretty average though

Probably the most exciting announcement is that I have my own cell phone! We have a lot of calls to make at night, and we usually get to bed late. But now that my companion and I both have phones we get the calls done a lot faster now.

We had the primary presentation yesterday in Sacrament meeting. I played piano. It was way fun! The kids weren't used to singing along to music- so they sung the songs much faster than normal. My companion must have seen that I was getting nervous, because he sent me a ton of little motivational texts after every song. All the kids had little bow ties or hair bows that were red, yellow and blue. They even gave me a blue bow tie as well!

On Wednesday we had a zone conference. It was pretty fun! We did a pretty cool activity. We divided the zone into two teams. Each team had a scissors, scotch tape, a white poster board, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, and jewel stickers and 25 minutes to build a temple.  It was pretty cool! I'll try to send pictures

On Saturday we went to San Vicente for a Christmas activity as a district (instead of stake). As a branch we put on a play. A Christmas Carol. I was Marley's Ghost- my comp was Scrooge. It was really, really fun!

I'm so excited for Christmas! We'll be calling on the 25th probably around 12 or 1. I'll try to send an email beforehand

I love you! Can't wait to see you Sunday!

Merry Christmas!

-Elder Goodman

Weekly Shopping

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